About 8111 Club
The primary purpose of the 8111 Clubhouse is to provide consistent space for Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon meetings. Currently, 8111 houses 14 AA home groups and over 55 meetings per week. Anyone can attend AA or Al-Anon meetings at 8111 for free.
Some people know they have a problem with alcohol and want to attend AA meetings to get sober. Others may suspect they have problem with alcohol or have been told by someone else that they do (a friend, family member or judge), and are encouraged to attend open AA meetings to learn more about alcoholism. See our Resources page for links to more information about Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon. Club Membership is not a requirement to attend meetings at the 8111 Clubhouse.
The 8111 Clubhouse is a private non-profit facility that provides space for AA and Al-Anon meetings through The North Fulton Alcoholics Benevolent Association, Inc., a Georgia Domestic Non-Profit Corporation. The 8111 Clubhouse and its governing entity are not affiliated with nor endorsed by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.
The 8111 Clubhouse is primarily supported by rents paid through a portion of the baskets collected by groups and meetings held at 8111, but this is often not enough to cover our entire facility budget. Committed donations by members are vital to cover shortages from meeting contributions, fund adequate facility maintenance and improvements, and ensure that 8111 remains open and operational to welcome future alcoholics in need of help.
The 8111 Club first opened in September of 1980 in the modest building located at 8111 Roswell Road. The North Fulton Alcoholics Benevolent Association was founded the following year in August of 1981.